Zinc, a hero ingredient
It really is a superhero health, skincare and makeup ingredient. Essential in our diet for good health, applied topically the mineral Zinc is amazing. Having multiple benefits, it’s no surprise then that Second Baise includes it in our products.
More than a natural sun shield, it soothes the skin if you have not applied a sunblock and then become sunburned, or experience skin irritation such as eczema. When the skin suffers inflammation, even with acne or rosacea, its soothing properties work quickly to comfort the skin and help reduce inflammation. It is one of the few ingredients that can be used both safely and with proactive benefits post skin treatments such as peels, IPL and dermabrasion.
Non-blocking Zinc allows the skin to breathe, and has great staying power so that if used in a sunscreen or makeup there is minimal if any ‘slide’ and thus need to reapply. This provides a huge benefit in saving time and cost in reapplications.
Bio-degradable, non-toxic and eco-friendly Zinc is the healthier choice for our bodies and the environment.
Until it is physically removed there is the benefit of having Zinc providing a natural sunblock on the surface of the skin, rather than having a synthetic sunscreen that works under the dermis for a only certain number of hours. This obviously makes Zinc a superior form of sun protection compared with synthetic sunscreens. Synthetic ingredients can be irritating to the skin, and are neither healthy or eco-friendly when washed off the skin. This includes at the bathroom basin or into the sea when swimming.
In makeup, Zinc can be naturally tinted with other minerals to cater for varying skin tones. Instead of the makeup having a plastic like feel and look from synthetic colourants with their single no-dimensional hue, minerals give believable natural colour with their multi-tonal pigments that blur naturally with the skin.
Second Baise does not as nano sized Zinc. It simply isn’t necessary in order to reap the benefits, and using nano-sized ingredients in terms of safety isn’t really understood. A wholly natural and Zinc based mineral makeup may be more expensive to produce than a mainstream equivalent using cheaper synthetic ingredients, but it will last the customer longer, provide multiple skincare benefits and be the better value choice.
Don’t you think that you and the environment are worth it? We do!
This article has been written by and is the property of Second Baise Aug 2024. It may not be copied or reproduced in any way without written permission from Second Baise.